What are homegroups?

Your home group is meant to be your home within the action of the CC Summit - people you know better and closer, you feel with them good enough to share your challenges, your vulnerability, your honesty.

Within the home group you support each other in navigating learning, checking needs met and unmet, seeking for clarity how you want to care for your needs, gathering strength to find your requests - to yourself, to others, to the trainers, to the community.

We recommend asking for help if something doesn't work in your group.

The logistics

  • Decide where is your meeting place

  • Choose a facilitator - their role is to help the group to go smoothly through the process and to focus on purpose. Change facilitator each day

  • Share the time - each person has some time allocated. Make conscious choices if you want to change it, eg. offer more time or even the whole time to one person

  • Time keeper - signals when the time is up for each person

  • Stay connected - inform each other if you are not coming to the group meeting, that you are choosing something else. We recommend asking for help from support trainers and/or the training team if you need support any time of the day.

The content - what to talk about?

Each person decides what they want to talk about and how they want to be received. In silence?

Paraphrasing? Naming feelings and needs?

Some questions for inspiration

_How are you right now?

_How are you feeling within the group?

_Are you working on the things you want to learn?

_Which needs of yours are satisfied? Which not?

_Do you have requests - to yourself, to others, to the community, to trainers?