What is Transformational Breathwork?

Transformational Breath is the practice of bringing conscious awareness and control to your breath. Though breathwork has been practiced for thousands of years in ancient tradition,

and it is a specific technique known as “circular breath”. Each inhale is taken in deeply through the mouth, then let go through the mouth effortlessly in a circular pattern.

What Happens in a Transformational Breath Session?

Transformational Breath is generally practiced with trained practitioners. During the session a facilitator will use sound frequencies, affirmations and gentle movement to encourage the breath and release stuck energy.

These sessions can last up to two hours and include: preparation time, setting intentions, practicing the breath and meditation. The breathwork portion of this time can go anywhere from 45 minutes to one hour which can be quite challenging at first. The facilitator may apply gentle pressure to the body and guide you with other instructions to help you release tension in the body.

How does breathwork heal?

Transformational Breath will assist you in unearthing stored trauma in the subconscious mind. This greater awareness of your past will ultimately help you to heal and move on from emotional wounds. But how, you might be asking?

When you participate in breathwork techniques you are oxygenating the brain and body, this has the flow on effect of activating the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the largest nerve in the body, it connects the brainstem to all of our major organs and is responsible for regulating emotion.

When stimulated through breathwork, it activates the parasympathetic nervous system putting the body into a relaxed and altered state of consciousness. Through this lens you may unearth trauma, confront behaviour that sabotages you and release stored stress, anxiety, tension and pain from the body.

Benefits of transformational breathwork

The benefits of Transformational Breath are plenty. When practiced properly it has the potential to heal your body, mind and spirit in the following ways:

Benefits to the Body

  • Increases oxygenation of the brain and body
  • Improves immunity
  • Stimulates the vagus nerve
  • Stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system
  • Stimulates circulation
  • Increases energy

Benefits to the Mind

  • Alleviates stress
  • Alleviates symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Increases awareness of self-destructive behaviour
  • Cleanses past trauma
  • Relieves negative emotions
  • Improves self-esteem
  • Increases gratitude

Benefits to the Spirit

  • Greater connection to yourself and others
  • Greater connection to nature
  • Deepens meditative states
  • Expands awareness
  • Opens third eye for greater intuition
  • Increases awareness of joy and love

Learn more about Transformational Breathwork

Watch about Transformational

Breathwork on Youtube